Tag Archives: abstract

Karma Art :: Pay What You Want!

The end of the year is coming, and having almost completed my SelfLove365 Project, I am realizing how difficult I find it to love, or even like, parts of myself. Sometimes, even accepting myself is a challenge. But this is what I strive for now – to accept what is here, what is now, what is in front of me. That’s not to say I won’t then go ahead and do something to change it, but in order to change it, I feel the need to make peace with it first, to accept that part of me, because in all likelihood, it’s here for the long haul. In honour of accepting myself, I made this painting, “Acceptance”.

"Acceptance" 16" x 20"

“Acceptance” 16″ x 20″

Karma price: pay what you want.

Yes, you read that right! 🙂

Send me an email (magknit[at]telus.net) telling me:
1. Why you want this painting.
2. What gift you share with the world. Maybe you do already, or maybe it’s something you’ve been thinking about. Be generous with yourself here. You have many gifts. Or, alternatively, tell me about something you have recently accepted, or have trouble accepting, about yourself.
3. The amount you wish to give for the painting.

Some things I would like you to know:
– you have until midnight on Dec. 31, 2014 to send me the email.
– there is a minimum cost of shipping to cover if you are outside of Calgary. ($30 in Canada, $40 to U.S.)
– I sell other paintings of this size for $500.

Once I choose who will receive the painting, I will contact you with details about payment methods.

Much love to you!

Back in the Studio!

After that quick taste of summer, school has started and I am finally able to paint again! Yippee! I am scheduling in painting time (among all my other fun things to do) daily using my new calendar app. It’s funny to me that most people who asked me how often I paint thought it was daily, but it was usually only once or twice a week.

Finished up these two and there are more coming! These will be available in my Etsy shop soon, but until then, contact me if you are interested in purchasing.


Speak, 24″ x 24″, $680



“In the Garden”, 12″ x 24″, $500

This is how I feel today.

Angry, sad, confused, at ease, playful, rested, tired, struggling, wanting, content.



Wordless Wednesday: Works in Progress