Prints! and parenting… and procrastination.

It’s been over year since I had the idea of making printed reproductions of my paintings. It took me months to research the place to do get it done, another few months to get it done, and another few months to actually tell you about it.

My “To Do” list is so long, that very little actually gets done. After painting (which takes most of my time), there is not much time in my day left for the other things I would like to do. I can accept this. I am a mother of three children, so my time is split between household responsibilities, and my artistic career. I am not willing to put in the night hours, working after my children are in bed – that would make me insane (after making me tired, cranky, and probably sick). My evenings are usually filled with dancing or class meetings, or spending time with my hubby. Sometimes I wonder if I just don’t take myself seriously enough, but mostly, I feel like I have a good balance. So, when I am wondering why I am not in galleries yet, or why I am not selling more paintings yet, or why there isn’t a greater demand for my work yet, I remind myself that I get what I put into this process, and this is as much as I am willing to put in right now.

Rarely do I remember to look back to pre-2009, but I should. I can remind myself of how far I have come. Before 2009, I knew I wanted to be an artist. No wait, I knew I was an artist, but I was so good at procrastinating, and kept putting off creating. There was something really scary about starting on the path of becoming an artist. Scarier than a blank canvas, scarier than the blank page – this was a blank path, and I was so scared to take that first step.

I’m so glad I did.

(just do it)

My prints are available in my Etsy shop. I still have one more to list – it might take me another few weeks to do that (ha!).


10 thoughts on “Prints! and parenting… and procrastination.

  1. thecontentedcrafter

    You sure are an artist! I am so surprised recognition hasn’t come your way – where is it for goodness sake? And it sounds to me like you have your priorities right anyhow – family is way more important than fame!! I love your work!!

  2. Kathy Karst

    Beautiful work, Bel! I have been watching your artistic journey on Facebook (actually since high school!) and it has been a delight watching you grow as an artist! Your work is incredible! 2009 was a game-changing year for both of us…while you decided to make the plunge and realize your dream of creating art, I went back to university to earn my B.Ed. I have to admit that I have been feeling the same as you with regard to my career…wondering why I don’t have a full-time teaching job. Then I realize that I don’t really want to change this healthy balance in my life as a supply teacher, a wife and a mom of three busy teens. Do what feels right, what makes you happy, and what makes you feel as though you are being successful (however small those successes may be!) as an wife, a mom, and an artist! Wishing you much success always!!!

    1. belknits Post author

      Thank you Kathy! So glad to have you encouraging me along the way. I love that you feel the same way I do about this – it really does help to know that I don’t have to push myself to achieve tons. I already am achieving tons. Yay, us! Much success to you, as well! xo

  3. Steph Herbert

    I am currently trying to figure out how to make prints of my work. I’m a busy mom of 4 and it’s been a long journey. Thank you for sharing your story. It gives me hope that someday I will get there. Love your work!

    1. belknits Post author

      This makes what I do worthwhile. Thank you so much for your comment. I’m glad I could give you a bit of encouragement!! Can I see your work somewhere online?

  4. lyndamotvos2013

    Bel, doing what feels right is what makes it possible to sleep at night – when the brain isn’t wildly imagining the next Creation !~! What you are doing sounds to me as if you have it perfectly balanced between work and family and self. Thanks for sharing how you do it. The pins I bought from you decorate my studio space and remind me of what matters most. Creativity being allowed to get out and become itself–thanks for helping me to understand that it’s all important.


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