

In an effort to actually celebrate the things in my life that I’m happy about (I don’t do this enough!), I am hosting a giveaway to celebrate my article about worth in the current issue of Artful Blogging magazine! This publication is full of amazing photography and inspiring words.

Leave a comment below, telling me how you celebrate yourself, and you will be entered to win a copy of Artful Blogging!

The winner will be randomly chosen on Tuesday, May 26, 2015, at 11:00 MST, and contacted the following day. Yay!!

14 thoughts on “Giveaway!!

  1. Laura (PA Pict)

    I celebrate myself by making time for myself. I know that reads as ridiculously mundane and “of course” but as a busy Mum of four boys who is still transitioning to a new way of life in a new country it is all too easy to allow my “selfhood” to get lost in the mix. I, therefore, aim to have a few hours in every week – hopefully spread across a few days – in which I spend time doing the things that make me feel more like me – like Laura rather than mother, wife, housekeeper, whatever. So I carve out time when I can for art, family history, watching a movie, drinking a mug of tea while watching the birds, blogging. It’s nothing fancy or lavish but that’s my little luxury and gift to myself: time.

  2. anja

    I don’t really master the ‘art’ of celebrating myself (always thinking i could do better) but blogging certainly helps and the comments i receive on my blog encourage me enormously! I follow your selflove day by day and it sets me thinking at least!

    1. belknits Post author

      You won by random number generator! Please send me your email address and real address, and I can get the magazine shipped out to you! Send to magknit[at]

      1. anja

        i’m so happy; i never win anything and this time i was just tempted to play along
        thanks for this chance. i think you received my mail.

  3. Dawn

    I celebrate myself by focusing on taking deep breathes daily and staying in tuned with my body. I also enjoy celebrating and releasing through dancing. When there’s time, I treat myself to reiki, massage, float.

  4. Carolyn H

    I just try to make time to make jewelry, some kind of art, or other crafts. Trying to take better care of myself and my children. Am self taught at all arts and crafts I do, and I love to listen to music while I do a lot of these things.

  5. brandiadamsphotography

    I am currently celebrating myself by taking part in a 365 photo a day adventure. It’s been an amazing journey that I will never forget. There have been awesome day trips with tons of photos, and days where I worked all day long and just “didn’t wanna”. But everyday has taught me something and I love it.

  6. amber

    I celebrate myself by singing, dancing and being creative. I love designing and art and find ways to integrate these into every day life. It’s a piece of my heart that goes into every expression and I take time to be proud and acknowledge this.

  7. Jorin

    That’s an interesting giveaway, thank you!
    Celebrating myself… I try to take care about myself (sleeping enough, eating good food etc.), that include: art making, laughing, dreaming, reading, sailing… I think, celebrating myself is living itself.

  8. mamamuseme

    I love to read Artful Blogging! Congratulations on being published there. It feels great, doesn’t it?!?

    Right now, I am published in the June issue of Bella Grace, which is a magazine made by Stampington too. I celebrate myself by going on long walks, writing, and cooking a good meal.

  9. angelarout

    Oh man! I am so excited for you. This is such a big deal and your work looks amazing in print!

  10. angelarout

    I celebrate myself by eating chocolate and having dance parties in the living room! Congrats!

  11. Pingback: And the winner is… | Drawn From the Fire

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