Show and Auction!

There’s so much going on this fall, that I really ought to be blogging more. I know, I say that all the time. I’m getting tired of hearing myself say that I will blog more, so I won’t say it, yet. I’d really like to commit to once a week. Oh, fine. I commit. Once a week. There. Feel free to poke me if you don’t think I am keeping this commitment. :p

"Waterfall" 16" x 20"

“Waterfall” 16″ x 20″

So, first thing… I will be auctioning off this painting, “Waterfall” (16″ x 20″) next week! To make sure you are in on the action, get your name down on my email list!

Every painting has layers of excitement, overlapped with fun and frosted with a little dancing. To watch how I cooked this one up, click below:

Secondly (there’s lots more, but I will save it all for my next post, which I committed to above, remember?), please swing by the Sophia Art Show this Friday and Saturday, and bring your friends! I will have tons of paintings, prints, cards (TONS of cards) and all kinds of goodies for your shopping and viewing pleasure! All the details are on the poster below.

SophiaFall2014 email

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