Studio Tuesday!

You may have noticed (or maybe not) that I haven’t been blogging much in the last 4 months. We were having our house renovated, and it was, overall, a great experience, but left little time for blogging. Anyway, I now have a real studio, with electricity and everything!! Here are a couple photos from downstairs – you may notice how white it still is. I was having trouble breaking it in, but finally did it today – there are now paint drips on the walls and floor!



While we were out of the house, friends of mine graciously lent me their basement to use as a temporary studio space. This is the painting that I gave to them in gratitude for their generosity!


Here are a few paintings that left my studio space last year, without me talking about them. I made the first one for my friend Harold at Gorilla House. When I arrived that night to give it to him, a woman who was visiting GH fell in love with the painting, so I sold it to her and made Harold the new one you see below the first!



Here are a couple of paintings that are hanging around the studio – they are looking for new homes, but I have yet to make listings for them. If you are interested in any, just let me know.




11 thoughts on “Studio Tuesday!

  1. Bob McGannon

    Hi Belinda………Could you please email how to reach you on a private email to discuss the painting I was talking to you about yesterday on facebook. It would be much appreciated.

  2. Suzanne Costigan

    Congratulations! Your blog has been awarded a Liebster Award! (This is legit – Google it! 🙂 )

    Here’s what you need to do to accept:

    In your blog:
    1. List 11 random facts about yourself.
    2. Answer the questions that are asked of you (by the blogger that nominated you).
    3. Nominate 11 other blogs for the Liebster Blog Award and link to their blogs.
    4. Notify the bloggers of their award.
    5. Ask the award winners 11 questions to answer in their blog.

    11 Questions for You:
    1. Sunrise or sunset?
    2. Which decade did you rock?
    3. If you could meet one historical figure, who would it be?
    4. One food you can’t stand.
    5. What is your favorite sports team?
    6. What song has special significance in your life?
    7. Green thumb, or all thumbs?
    8. Train, plane, automobile or cruise line? What is your preferred mode of travel and why?
    9. What is one book you think everyone should read?
    10. Why did you start a blog?
    11. What’s your most pleasant childhood memory?

    And please consider checking out the other nominees that we considered worthy of a Liebster Award. (

    1. Rhonda

      Hi Belinda,
      I am trying to find your reply and I have no idea where even my reply went?! Lol. I am very interested in these hearts. My husband and I have swapped our spacious suite for the downstairs toy room. It is adequate, helping me simplify… We made this decision to create a space for just us in another part of the house away from the children, and it has been wonderful. Hearts would be very fitting. Please reply again or help me figure out where to go to find your first reply.
      Thank you so much.

  3. Amy sherd

    Hi Belinda. I would love to hear more information on your art work. I love them all. Especially the hearts. Are they available to purchase? Pricing? My email is
    Thanks so much,

  4. Solveig Rudshavn

    Do you know that your paintings with hearts on has been to a textile print? There is a firm on the net that shows a trouse with your print on.
    If you send me an e- mail i will send you a picture of it.
    Solveig Rudshavn

    1. solveig rudshavn

      I am not going to follow your page!
      Just wanted to send you this picture from Lofty- fashion (Chinese firm). I bought this one and got a total different one. Then i started to think that this is fake and today i found a picture of your painting on pinterest.
      Just wanted you to know!
      Solveig Rudshavn
      Sendt fra min Galaxy


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