Tag Archives: kathleen moors

Gorilla House Live Art 27

Yes, I usually post these as Wordless Wednesday posts, but I felt like posting it today because the video just came out. Also, I wasn’t sure that all of you know what the heck a Gorilla House is, anyway?

So, Gorilla House is this awesome place in Calgary that’s part gallery, part studio, all fun. Every Wednesday night at 7pm, there is a live art “battle”. I’m finger-quoting here because the only battle really taking place is within myself, to see if I can complete a painting (actually, I have always made two each time) in the two hour limit.

A wheel is spun at the beginning of the evening, and three very random pieces of inspiration are chosen. I don’t rely heavily on the inspiration, but let it gently speak to me. Honestly, sometimes I flat-out ignore it.

During the evening, people can stop in and watch art being made, which looks like fun, but I’ve never attended as a viewer! At the end of the two hours, all the art is auctioned off! The proceeds are split between the artist and the gallery.

Before arriving, I had these two canvases prepped, using leftover paint from my studio time. It makes the painting so much less stressful when there’s already a first layer!


Gorilla House wouldn’t be the same without my painting-partner, Kathleen Moors. She’s awesome, and we always stick together!


Here’s how my paintings ended up. I was pretty worried that one of them wouldn’t quite work out, but in the last 20 minutes, something magical happened, and I love them both.




My wonderful neighbour, Barb, attended Gorilla House for the first time last week, and she purchased both of my paintings! For the funny story about how we met, click here!


I purchased my second Kath original during the night! Woo hoo!


Finally, here is the video from the art battle. There is lots of footage of Kath and I dancing our butts off, so have fun laughing!

Gorilla House Live Art 20 :: Wordless Wednesday

The Three Muses.

The Three Muses.

Wish Upon a Star

Wish Upon a Star

Pleasure Dome

Pleasure Dome



I bought Kath's painting!

I bought Kath’s painting!


Gorilla House Live Art 15: Wordless Wednesday

Gorilla House Live Art Battle 13! (Wordless Wednesday)

photo by Terry Storey